雙寶梨蜜薑. Shuangbao Pear Honey Ginger
- 運用莊淑旂博士「上通下暢」中醫理論研發
- 可生津潤喉、退火降火氣
- 讓您清新舒爽、天天呼吸新鮮空氣
- 幫助排便順暢
- 男女老少美顏養聲、補充體力、安穩好眠、病中病後之補養
- 全素者可食,適合各階段,特殊體質及3歲以下幼兒,請諮詢專業醫師(孕婦不宜)。
- 每盒15包
Researched and developed using Dr. Zhuang Shuqi's theory.
- It can generate body fluid and moisten the throat, anneal and reduce anger
- Let you fresh and comfortable, breathe fresh air every day
- Help smooth bowel movements
- Replenish physical strength, sleep well, and nourish after illness
- Suitable for everyone (special constitutions and children under 3 years old, please consult a professional doctor
(pregnant women are not suitable).
- 15 packs per box